
Parlare e' una lingua difficile

i am often at a loss for words.
my command of the italian language is comparable to my ability to speak to people.
writing in italian allows me to navigate my thoughts slowly and awkwardly.
i feel more at liberty to make mistakes in a language i shouldn't already have a keen understanding of.


brought to you by Narcissus

i googled myself.

here i am in my safe place

half of a poster i made for a show i curated a year or so ago...

ME!! no... this is my grandma posing for her 90th birthday announcement.

NYTIMES!!! a really beautiful picture of my bike and friends, and a stunning refusal to look at the camera.
ugh. cough. ew.



We all watched it this evening. Half way thru I still thought... eh, this isn't that scary. whatever. And then she smashed his penis and drilled thru his leg. etc. etc. etc. etc.

hot mama

I cannot even believe how beautiful my Mama is.


I work at Bancroft Elementary. We had a blood spill a few months ago. 60 gallons.

it was pretty dramatic.


io sento breve.

io sento breve.
come io sono mancare (mancante).
Ascolta!: Vorrei una bottiglia di vita frizzante (PER FAVORE)!!!
io voglio confundere vita e ferie (o vita con ferie).
Aiuta me. cerca por _______ con mi.

( Mia parola prende mia menta immobile. )
Ho stanca de piccola parolas, piccola emoziones, e piccola vitas.
cerca por ________ eccezionale!!! (con mi)

seriously. (and poorly)

Merry Christmas Carrot. Sienna

It is always good to begin with the basics.

Merry Christmas Carrot.

Carrot and Sienna.
