

it seems i've not made note of anything here in some time. 
not for lack of things to say, joys or sorrows to share, or tedium to cipher through. 

if i had the words or the skill (skillZ),
 i would write a sonnet to/for september
[the most beloved month]
BUT, as I am lacking in these (those?) regards, 
I must be satisfied with THANK YOU. 
dearest septiembre, 
you have offered me a strange peace i've not felt before. 
you've shaken me to my very marrow, 
and though you are leaving me exhausted, you're leaving me strong. 

"My heart has more rooms than a whorehouse." 
-Gabo, In Time of Cholera
(im going to read everything gabriel garcia marquez has written, 
thanks to Rudy for gifting me 100 Years of Solitude)

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