
dream from 2.17

I was leading a group of children- all kids that I work with everyday in my waking life - through an open, hilly field. What we knew about this field was that herds of very aggressive deer traveled there frequently and were known to attack trespassers. The children kept asking me "Miss Jennifer, what do we do if they attack?!" I told the children a little known secret: If a herd of deer charge you, you must charge back.

We walked in a very tight group with me at the front holding hands with Wendy, the smallest girl I read with. After a bit, we spied a herd of deer, all with massive antlers. They saw us and charged. The kids started to scatter but I yelled at them to run towards the deer, and we did (with me and Wendy at front). It worked for a while, the deer ran off.

But they came back.. and this time they attacked from all sides. The kids and I had no preparation for this so we huddled in a circle. I ran around the children swiftly... trying to protect them. The deer trampled one student to death. A few more were injured. I knocked a doe down and ripped off her antlers and stabbed her with them. I killed the rest of the deer the same way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How Terrifying!
You do have a lot of responsibility.