
forgetting me, remember me

I have had this poem hanging on my wall for almost 5 years now, 
but I haven't read it as often as I used to.
It has never been so applicable to my life as it is a this moment. 
In this month, in this time. The last verse especially.
Unfortunately this process seems to be destroying everybody around me... 
I'm sorry.

in time of daffodils(who know
the goal of living is to grow)
forgetting why,remember how

in time of lilacs who proclaim
the aim of waking is to dream,
remember so(forgetting seem)

in time of roses(who amaze
our now and here with paradise)
forgetting if,remember yes

in time of all sweet things beyond
whatever mind may comprehend,
remember seek(forgetting find)

and in a mystery to be
(when time from time shall set us free)
forgetting me,remember me

-e.e. cummings


Unknown said...

I like this poem. I'm so glad it speaks to you. I don't know if its appropriate for me to say anything else. How about, since we've bared parts of our souls to each other before, if you don't want to read anymore this could be the end of my comment.

But this is more. I love how Beauty, different Beauties, mark the seasons for remembering. I find it to be more & more important to see Beauty, even in times/places that feel so ugly. It is everywhere. And the last verse speaks to me of rebirth, perhaps first about the ultimate rebirth, Death, in which we will forget & yet remember, & that will be the ultimate Beauty. But also about the seasonal deaths we experience, more as moltings of ourselves. We emerge more as our true self, a little more each time. But there are risks. The new, wet butterfly is very vulnerable & must have space to allow its wings to become wings (I was just reminded of this while reading Annie Dillard.) But to have even gotten to the point of the threshold of our true adult self speaks of multiple successes in our past - we weren't eaten as caterpillars, for instance! We have been 'fed' everything necessary to fuel our transformation. Does it hurt to come out of that shell? I think it might, but not as much as it would if one chose to stay inside.
I am enjoying philosophizing, & applying this to me, not anyone else. I think these may be universally shared truths, but how does one know?
Remember how, so, yes, seek. In the end, one cannot truly please others unless one is caring for oneself.

jennifer said...

wow melissa. yes and yes.

and i hope you know that i am always open to anything you say. always. you are my role-model and my friend and so much more.

i am trying really hard to care for myself AND everybody else. you know what i mean.