
everything is right outside my window

you can see the gallery and part of the igloo

4th and 5th graders. a traditional Caribbean dance.



melissa said...

I like the view from your room.
Don't you love school assemblies? They are so subversive: children actually learn a lot from them, and not always what was expected.
Instead of the headless horseman, this might be the horseheaded lessman.
I didn't know conjoined twins could be different ages!
(And I am going to start keeping a list of the words I have to type in here for word verification before my post will publish - they are very nonsensically poetic)

jennifer said...

i like the 'horseheaded lessman.' it sounds like a good way to describe winter. hehe

the school assembly was really fun! the kids were out of control but since i was just there to watch and didnt have to do any wrangling, it was extremely funny... hehe